3 Things to do in the World Book Day in Alcalá (23rd April)
If there is a day in which Alcalá and books become synonyms it is in this day, the 23th of April, the World Book Day, …
Enjoy Alcalá de Henares like a local would do
If there is a day in which Alcalá and books become synonyms it is in this day, the 23th of April, the World Book Day, …
Another year, and with this one, the thirteenth Classical Theatre Festival in Alcala de Henares, “Classics in Alcalá 2013”, takes place. It has established itself …
Un año más, y con este ya son trece, tiene lugar “Clásicos en Alcalá 2013”, el Festival de Teatro Clásico de Alcalá de Henares, festival …
Schedule, routes and prices for the new bus from Alcala de Henares to Madrid Airport.