Cost of living in Alcala de Henares

The cost of living in Alcala de Henares

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Do you want to know what is the cost of living in Alcala de Henares? Are you planning to live in Alcalá but are worried about your budget? This is how much can you expect to expend while living in Alcala.

In order to calculate the cost of living in Alcala de Henares, we have created the following tables. Remember that the numbers were calculated in June 2014 and they are an approximation.

Usual costs of living in Alcala de Henares for a Student:

Renting a single room in 2-3 bedroom flat
or in a Residence (Utilities included)
Renting a one bedroom flat
A one-way ticket (Local transport)
A one-way ticket (Alcalá-Madrid)
A beer in a pub
A drink+tapa
A lunch in a cheap restaurant

1kg of pasta
12 eggs
1lt of milk
1 bag of potato chips
2lt of coke

Total amount of money needed for a month of frugal life:
Total amount needed for a month of king-like life:

250-350 euros
450-550 euros
1,3 euros
3,2 euros
3,5 euros
3 euros
6,0 euros

1,3 euros
1,4 euros
0,6 euros
1,0 euros
1,3 euros

600 euros
1200 euros

Usual costs of living in Alcala de Henares for a worker or a businessperson:

Renting a one bedroom flat
Renting a three bedroom flat in a new building at a good place
Price of one bedroom flat
Price of three bedroom flat in a new building at a good place
A monthly broadband internet connection

A monthly bus & tram pass (Alcalá-Madrid)
A Ten-Ride ticket (Local transport)
Taxi drive from Barajas’ Airport to Alcalá
A beer or a glass of wine in a nice place
A lunch in a good restaurant

Total amount of money needed for a month of frugal life

450-550 euros
800-900 euros
120.000 euros
250.000 euros
45 euros

78,4 euros
8,5 euros
30 euros
4,5 euros
25 euros

1000 euros

Are you new in Alcala? In our website you will find more useful information for you during your first days in the city.

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